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CFEE Academics

ENT 1100 - Entrepreneurship Foundations

Come experience firsthand the mindset of an entrepreneur as you begin your first entrepreneurial journey! This class introduces students to the beginning stages of the entrepreneurial process with a focus around entrepreneurial opportunity analysis. Students will practice the early stages of Lean Startup Methodology in pursuit of creating a new venture.

BUS 3575 - New Venture Creations

This class takes students through the entirety of the entrepreneurial journey using Lean Startup Methodology. Students will practice idea generation, entrepreneurial opportunity analysis, customer discovery, and the creation of a minimal viable product. The goal of this class is for students to gather evidence from customers that either validates or invalidates their ideas before they begin company building.

ENT 2100 - Quantitative Essentials for Entrepreneurs

This class is a skill building course for entrepreneurial students focusing on financial and operational skills. We will focus on how financial analysis plays into the management of new ventures as well as how to operate with unknown variables that exist in a startup environment. The goal of this class is to create a business plan that demonstrates competencies with financial and operational skills.