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Summer Swim Lessons

Welcome to FSC Summer Swim Lessons

 2025 Swim Lesson Registration will open in April of 2025.

Returning families Registration- April 7th, 2025

New families Registration- April 14th, 2025

All Florida Southern College instructors are experienced and trained in the sport of swimming, making them knowledgeable and equipped to teach safely and effectively. While participating in FSC Summer Swim Lessons, swimmers have the opportunity to learn water safety, interact with the instructor, and work on skills for their class level.

Swim Lessons Schedule 2025

SessionFeeSession DatesSession Times
I$100June 2nd- 6th 8am, 8:45am, 9:30am & 10:15am
II$100June 9th-13th 8am, 8:45am, 9:30am & 10:15am
III$100June 16th-20th (No class on June 19th)8am, 8:50am, 9:40am, 10:30am **35 minute classes**
IV$100June 23rd- 27th 8am, 8:45am, 9:30am & 10:15am

- All children must be at least 3 years of age and 100% potty trained to participate.
- Swim lessons run 5 days a week, Monday through Friday, a one week session.  (Except for session III, Monday-Wednesday & Friday)
- All classes are 30 minutes long. *Except for Session 3*


Should two or more classes be cancelled due to any of the following, Covid-19, inclement weather, bathroom accidents in the pool, chemical imbalance, etc., a partial monetary refund shall be given to the family.

Refund Policy

If any Covid-19 symptoms, Covid-19 positive test result, or Covid-19 exposure inhibits your child from participating in your registered session (all 5 classes) and you notify the FSC Hollis Wellness Center no fewer than 72 hours prior to day one of your registered session, you will be eligible for a full monetary refund ($100 or FSC faculty staff $80).

Refunds will be considered for cases such as death in the family, injuries, or emergencies. Refunds may be pro-rated depending on the situation. Please contact the swim lesson coordinator for more details.

If you signed up and your plans have changed, we can offer a discount! If we can fill your spot from someone from the waiting list, you will be eligible for a monetary refund of ($85 or FSC Faculty Staff $70/website surcharges). If we can't fill your spot with someone from the wait list, you will only be eligible up to 50% of a refund. Please contact the swim lesson coordinator for more details.


Placing a child in the correct level for their age and ability is the parent/guardian’s responsibility. Florida Southern is not responsible for children who have been placed in the wrong level. Instructors will do their best to accommodate and create the best learning experience for all participants. Movement made once lessons have started will be at the instructor’s and coordinator’s discretion and will be based on availability. If you have questions about which level your child should be placed in, or if they are ready for group swim lessons.

Florida Southern College Swim Lesson Outlines

A breakdown of all class levels, as well as age and level appropriate achievement and skills based goals are listed below. These standards are designed by the Florida Southern College Swimming coaching staff and are implemented at the discretion of each instructor.

Skill and level evaluation will take place between the instructor and your child throughout Day One of each session. Our one-on-one approach will help your child learn at their own pace and will allow for instructors to adjust curriculum and better accommodate your child’s swimming level and development. Please be patient as a portion of the first lesson may be spent reviewing skills and getting to know new terminology, techniques, and equipment.

Please use the following documents and level breakdowns to evaluate your child’s current swimming/water competence. During our in-person registration, please be able to give our staff an idea of the level for which your child may be best suited.


Preschool Levels – Designed For Swimmers Between the Ages of 3 – 6

PS Level 1


  • Designed for children over the age of 3 with very little to no experience in the water
  • Objective to acclimate swimmers to aquatic environment through the use of games, songs, and learning aids
    • Activities will take place 1-on-1 with instructor. When not their turn, swimmers MUST be able to sit still & take instructions.
  • Beginning of each class will be dedicated to safety topics & attendance
    • One safety lesson devoted to lifejackets
  • Occasionally this class may go to the deep end


  • Participants MUST be over the age of three (as of the first day of classes)
  • Participants MUST be 100% potty trained
  • Should be comfortable working with an instructor(s)
  • Should be comfortable interacting with other children
  • Participants should be able to take instructions and implement them (huge for safety)
  • Participants should demonstrate the willingness to enter the water


  • Floating on Back (ears in water) with assistance of instructor or flotation device
  • Floating on Stomach with assistance of instructor or flotation device
  • Introduction of Arm Movement (i.e. ‘scooping’ the water) with assistance of instructor or flotation device
  • Kicking on stomach & back with assistance via instructor or flotation device
  • Blowing Bubbles w/ face in water

PS Level 2


  • Designed for children with slight familiarity & experience in the water
  • Objective to continue acclimating swimmers to aquatic environment through the use of games, songs, and learning aids
    • Activities will take place 1-on-1 with instructor. When not their turn, swimmers MUST be able to sit still & take instructions.
  • Known skills to be reviewed & refined at the beginning of the class instruction.
  • Beginning of each class will be dedicated to safety topics & attendance
    • One safety lesson devoted to lifejackets
  • This class may go to the deep end
  • Swimmers will be encouraged to do actions independently with close monitoring of instructor


  • Comfortable floating on back (ears in water) with assistance of instructor or flotation device
  • Comfortable floating on stomach with assistance of instructor or flotation device
  • Arm movement (i.e. ‘scooping’ the water) with assistance of instructor or flotation device
  • Comfortable kicking on stomach & back with assistance via instructor or flotation device
  • Comfortable blowing bubbles w/ face in water


  • Introduction to Bobbing – Swimmers will submerge their entire head and resurface
  • Floating on Back (ears submerged) with good body position, completely still with instructor help or flotation help
  • Floating on Stomach (ears submerged) with good body position, completely still with instructor help or flotation help
  • Movement through Water – Achieved by kicking & scooping water independent of instructor with assistance of flotation device
  • Jumping into Water (Independently)

PS Level 3


  • Designed for children comfortable in the water. Introduction to comfortably submerging & elementary swimming without assistance.
  • Objective to continue acclimating swimmers to aquatic environment through the use of games, songs, and learning aids
    • Activities will take place 1-on-1 with instructor. When not their turn, swimmers MUST be able to sit still & take instructions.
  • Known skills to be reviewed & refined at the beginning of the class instruction.
  • Beginning of each class will be dedicated to safety topics & attendance
    • One safety lesson devoted to lifejackets
  • This class may go to the deep end
  • Swimmers will be encouraged to do actions independently with close monitoring of instructor


  • Comfortable Bobbing – Swimmers submerge their entire head and resurface
  • Comfortable Floating on Back (ears submerged) with good body position, completely still with instructor help or flotation help
  • Comfortable Floating on Stomach (ears submerged) with good body position, completely still with instructor help or flotation help
  • Comfortable Moving through Water – Achieved independent of instructor with assistance of flotation device
  • Comfortable Jumping into Water (Independently)


  • Independently Floating on Back (ears submerged) with good body position, completely still
  • Independently Floating on Stomach (ears submerged) with good body position, completely still
  • Forward Movement on Stomach w/ Arm & Leg action independent of Instructor
  • Kicking on Back – Independently
  • Submerging Head & Retrieving Objects from the Bottom of the Pool (Independently)
  • Independently Jumping In & Swimming to Side of Pool

Levels 1 & Up – Designed for Swimmers Ages 6 & Older

Level 1 - Introduction to Water Skills


  • Designed for swimmers over the age of six with NO swimming abilities and/or discomfort/distrust of the water.

    • Modifications can be made depending on the severity of swimmer’s discomfort in water.
    • Pacing & structure of the class dependent on swimmers enrolled & will be determined by instructor based upon lesson of the day.
    • Activities will take place 1-on-1 with instructor. When not their turn, swimmers MUST be able to sit still & take instructions.
    • First few lessons dedicated to acclimating to the water & assessing current skills.

  • Beginning of each class will be dedicated to safety topics & attendance
  • Equipment will be used regularly


  • Should be comfortable working with an instructor(s)
  • Should be comfortable interacting with other children
  • Participants should be able to take instructions and implement them (huge for safety)
  • Participants should demonstrate the willingness to enter the water


  • Water Entry – Using steps/ladder/side of pool/feet first entry
  • Floating on Back (ears in water) with assistance of instructor or flotation device
  • Floating on Stomach with assistance of instructor or flotation device
  • Blowing Bubbles w/ face in water
  • Kicking on stomach & back with assistance via instructor or flotation device
  • If class is advanced, other skills may be introduced & progressed

Level 2 - Fundamental Aquatic Skills


  • Designed for children over the age of six who have either 1) passed through the PS Levels or 2) are considered beginner swimmers.
  • Objective to continue acclimating swimmers to aquatic environment, while beginning to focus on building swimming skills & independence in the water.
    • Swimmers will be encouraged to perform learning skills with floatation devices independently under instructor supervision.
    • Equipment will be used regularly in classes as learning aids (provided).
    • Some activities will take place 1-on-1 with instructor. When not their turn, swimmers MUST be able to sit still & take instructions.
  • Known skills to be reviewed & refined at the beginning of the class instruction.
  • Beginning of each class will be dedicated to safety topics & attendance
  • Class WILL take place in deep end of pool


  • Comfortable Bobbing – Swimmers will submerge their entire head and resurface
  • Comfortable Floating on Back (ears in water) completely still with little assistance of instructor or flotation device
  • Comfortable Floating on Stomach completely still with little assistance of instructor or flotation device
  • Comfortable Moving through Water – Achieved independent of instructor with assistance of flotation device
  • Comfortable Entering Water (Independently)


  • Introduction to Freestyle – Kicking on stomach w/ face in water & arm movement
  • Introduction to Backstroke – Kicking on back w/ ears in the water & arm movements
  • Treading Water – Swimmers demonstrate ability of staying vertical & maintaining the head above the surface while in deep water
  • Front Glide & Back Glide (i.e. Streamline Push-offs)
  • Gaining Confidence in Independent Aquatic Movements

Level 3 - Stroke Development


  • Designed for children have either 1) passed through the Levels 1 – 2 or 2) possess the necessary prerequisite skills.
  • Objective to focus on building beginner swimming skills into coordinated swimming strokes.
    • Swimmers will be expected to begin performing learning skills without instructor/flotation device assistance under supervision.
    • Equipment will be used regularly in classes as learning aids (provided).
    • Activities will take in a group setting.
    • Swimmers will begin swimming longer distances.
  • Known skills to be reviewed & refined at the beginning of the class instruction.
  • Beginning of each class will be dedicated to safety topics & attendance
  • Class WILL take place in deep end of pool


  • Freestyle – Basic kicking on stomach w/ face in water & arm movement
  • Backstroke – Basic kicking on back w/ ears in the water & arm movements
  • Treading Water – Swimmers demonstrate ability of staying vertical & maintaining the head above the surface while in deep water
  • Completely comfortable & confident with submerging & swimming independently w/ the face in the water


  • Freestyle – Refinement of coordination and basic breathing techniques
  • Backstroke – Refinement of coordination & body position
  • Introduction to Breaststroke – Frog kicking on stomach & simultaneous arm movement with submerged face
  • Dolphin Kicking – The beginning of Butterfly
  • Beginner level diving from the side of the pool

Level 4 - Stroke Improvement


  • Designed for children have either 1) passed through the Level 3 or 2) possess the necessary prerequisite skills.
  • Objective to refine current swim skills in Freestyle & Backstroke, introduce two new strokes (Butterfly & Breaststroke) while building endurance.
    • Swimmers will be expected perform all learning skills without instructor/flotation device assistance under supervision.
    • Equipment will be used regularly in classes as learning aids (provided).
    • ALL activities will take in a group setting.
    • Swimmers will begin swimmer longer distances (multiple laps) with shorter breaks to build endurance.
    • Portion of class time may be dedicated to learning turns and/or diving skills, if applicable.
  • Known skills to be reviewed & refined at the beginning of the class instruction.
  • Beginning of each class will be dedicated to safety topics & attendance
  • Class WILL take place in deep end of pool


  • Backstroke – Coordinated kick & arm movements
  • Freestyle – Continuous kicking with coordinated arm movements; knowledge of rotary breathing
  • Breaststroke – Coordinated & simultaneous arm/leg movement
  • Scissor/Flutter Kicking (i.e. Freestyle & Backstroke)
  • Dolphin Kicking (i.e. Butterfly)
  • Basic Diving Techniques


  • Introduction to Butterfly – Dolphin kick w/ simultaneous arm movement above water
  • Stroke Refinement of Backstroke, Freestyle, and Breaststroke
  • Introduction to Dive Starts (Side of Pool)
  • Introduction to Flip Turns (Freestyle & Backstroke)

Level 5/6 - Swim Team Prep:


  • Designed for swimmers eager to focus on stroke technique refinement of all four 4 competitive strokes (backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle), as well as starts, turns, and finishes.
    • Classes will break down each stroke in order to build the good habits of a competitive swimmer
  • Swimmers should prepare & expect to build strength & endurance by swimming longer distances similar to a 45-minute swim practice (500 – 1500 yards)


  • Backstroke – Completion of least 2 continuous laps in a coordinated motion
  • Breaststroke – Completion of least 2 continuous laps in a coordinated motion
  • Butterfly – Completion of least ½ of a continuous lap with arms completely exiting the water
  • Freestyle – Completion of 2 continuous laps in a coordinated motion with bilateral/rotary breathing


  • Flip Turns (Backstroke & Freestyle)
  • Open Turns (Butterfly & Breaststroke)
  • Technique Refinement of ALL four competitive strokes (i.e. butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle)
  • Dive Starts (Starting Blocks)
  • Strength Endurance Development (ALL Four Stroke)
  • Introduction of Strength & Cardiovascular Training
  • i.e. Water Jogging, Water Aerobics, Dryland Training, etc.

Policies and Procedures

Welcome to Florida Southern College Summer Swim Lessons.  We are honored that you chose us to be part of your summer fun. We are looking forward to having your swimmer(s) in class.

The following is some additional information and tips to help make your swim lesson experience more enjoyable:

  • Although we encourage parents/guardians to be active and knowledgeable about their swimmer’s learning experience, parents/guardians are not allowed to be on the deck during lessons so the instructors can have the participant’s full attention.
  • Furthermore, parents/guardians must wear masks and practice social distancing while viewing lessons and escorting your child to/from the pool, and while on campus.
  • A Parent/Guardian must be present for each lesson (no matter the age of the participant) to escort children safely to and from the restroom when needed or to be available in cases of emergencies, inclement weather, or questions.
  • If you have an older child of the opposite gender you wish to escort into the restroom / locker room, please ask the staff, and they will direct you to private restrooms.
  • Each child should bring his/her own towel and a pair of sandals to class. Goggles are encouraged for levels 3 and up. Pool staff will not provide goggles.
  • Before entering the pool area, please have your child/children do the following things:
    • Remove gum or candy from mouth
    • Remove all adhesive bandages
    • Use the restroom

On deck, you may see some instructors who walk around/assist with different classes. These are instructor aids or gatekeepers whose job is to assist walking kids to the bathroom and help teach difficult skills as well as clean and sanitize our equipment and facilities.

Thank you for being part of the FSC Summer Swim Program. Please feel free to ask any questions by contacting Maddie Samples at 863.680.5040 or


Inclement Weather Policies Summer Swim Lessons

  • The pool will be cleared of all participants for thunder and lightning and will remain clear for 30 minutes after each additional occurrence.
  • The pool will be cleared of all participants for precipitation, wind, or other inclement weather that occurs that causes the lifeguard or instructors to not be able to see that bottom of the pool at its deepest point.
  • Swim lesson participants will be informed by EMAIL as soon as possible if an upcoming lesson is being cancelled.
  • In situations where the pool has to be cleared due to downpour, which hinders instructor and lifeguard’s vision, lessons may recommence if deemed safe by the Swim Lesson Coordinator. If students are out of the water for longer than 15 minutes, the remaining class will be cancelled.

* This will also be the case in situations such as fecal accidents, vomiting in the pool, or other situations deemed necessary for pool evacuation. All pool closures are made with participant’s safety in mind and adhere to city and state aquatic regulations as well as Center for Disease Control and Health Department.